How To Easily Replace Lost KCPE And KCSE Certificate. The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams are considered to be important turning points in a student’s academic career in Kenya.
The outcomes of these exams may serve as stepping stones to opportunities for additional study and may lead to a more hopeful future. Nonetheless, circumstances sometimes arise when people need a replacement KCPE or KCSE certificate because they were misplaced, damaged, or experienced other unanticipated events.
The following actions should be performed in the event that any of these papers are misplaced:
In compliance with section 10, (1), (d) of the Kenya National Examination Council Act, the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) will offer a replacement certificate to candidates who can substantiate the loss of their original certificate.
KNEC ordered all missing credentials from 1981 to be reinstated in March 2009.
How To Easily Replace Lost KCPE And KCSE Certificate
Additionally, the council determined that a candidate may only have one certificate replacement.

Use the following steps to successfully replace a misplaced KCPE or KCSE certificate:
🍓Obtain the KNEC certificate replacement form from any KNEC office or download it from the KNEC website at
🍓Fill out the form completely, ensuring that there are no blanks.
🍓Include all supporting documents along with the filled-out KNEC certificate replacement form.
Documents required for replacing a lost KCPE or KCSE certificate:
- Copy of the certificate (mandatory)
- Copy of ID/passport or birth certificate (for candidates under 18 years)
- The names on these documents must match the names used during the exam. If there has been a legal name change, include the relevant paperwork.
- Original affidavit taken under oath in a court of law
- Original police abstract stating the loss of the certificate(s)
- Completion/Recommendation letter from your school or exam center
- Original KNEC bank deposit slip (mandatory)
Payment for lost KCPE or KCSE certificate:
The replacement fee for lost certificates is Kshs 5,800 (including 16% VAT tax), payable to KNEC. You can make the payment at the following banks with KNEC collection accounts:
National Bank of Kenya
Kenya Commercial Bank
Equity Bank
Co-operative Bank
Ensure that all the information provided is genuine and accurate. Send a sealed envelope containing all the required documents to the following address:
Council Secretary/Chief Executive,
Kenya National Examination Council,
P.O. Box 73598-00200,
City Square, Nairobi
How To Easily Replace Lost KCPE And KCSE Certificate
Certificates are available for pickup from KNEC offices sixty days after the request is submitted. Certificate holders need to provide identification to prove who they are.
A parent or legal guardian must be present with the original ID if the minor is under the age of eighteen.
The council will destroy certificates without providing a refund or even informing the certificate owner if they are not picked up within two years of the application date.