Factors TSC Considers Before Approving Teacher Transfers. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has redesigned a set of criteria that will guarantee that teacher transfer petitions are thoroughly evaluated before being approved.
More than 14,733 teachers have been delocalized and moved to their home counties or other regions of interest thus far under the revamped transfer system.
Keep in mind that the teacher’s service commission considers a number of things before granting a transfer request.
Important Key Factors that Influence Teacher Transfers are highlighted below
The commission weighs several aspects before making a transfer decision.Some that of these factors include,
- teacher’s age,
- teacher’s health status
- the accommodating teachers with diverse abilities
- transfers based on promotions
However, TSC takes into account the teachers’ proximity to their home counties, the school’s population size, its performance, the characteristics specific to each teacher, their families, and the school type.
Factors TSC Considers Before Approving Teacher Transfers
It is important to note that instructors who turn 56 years old or older will remain in their native county rather than being transferred to another one.
Teachers who have valid health concerns or who have a variety of abilities may not be able to transfer, but they will still be permitted to work in their home counties.

Therefore, this thorough guide will assist you as a teacher in knowing how to proceed by explaining how to check your TSC transfer status online and the elements to be taken into account during the transfer procedure.
Best of luck for those waiting for transfer application approval.