TSC Announces Promotion Of Stagnated Teachers. The Teachers’ employer, the Teachers Service Commission has been having extensive and fruitful talks with the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers. The talks have majorly been on issues affecting the teachers in the country.
KUPPET leadership has confirmed that quite a number of agreements have been reached. This was confirmed during today’s media briefing.
The engagement of the TSC and KUPPET has taken six days. The meeting was held at Sawela Lodge located in Naivasha, Nakuru County.
Deliberations of the TSC – KUPPET meeting
Among the crucial deliberations during the meeting was on promotion of teachers. To be precise, stagnated teachers. They agreed amicably that 30,000 teachers will be promoted.
In addition to that, the two parties agreed that the commission would recruit 20,000 more intern teachers to be posted to junior secondary schools. This move will help address the current understaffing in these schools. This will be done in the 2024/2025 financial year.
The national chairman for Kuppet, Omboko Milemba clarified that a total of 50,000 teachers have stagnated in their job groups for so long. He confirmed that a whooping 30,000 are set for promotions in the coming financial year.
Additionally, the union indicted that since 2017, a good number of teachers had not been promoted. While addressing the media, he confirmed that the stagnation issue will be fully addressed beginning June this year.
TSC Announces Promotion Of Stagnated Teachers
The vocal chairman indicated that 4 billion Kenya shillings would be required to recruit the 20,000 interns. This will help a great deal in solving the current crisis.

Akelo Misori, the KUPPET secretary General affirmed that indeed the government will hire 20,000 teachers to junior schools. However, he indicated that 2000 teachers will be posted to junior schools across the country.
Misori further Clarified that the 26,000 jss intern teachers would be confirmed into permanent and pensionable terms. He said this will happen upon the expiry of the 2 years contract in January 2025.
Misori went ahead and said the commission is having plans to review the career progression guidelines for teachers. This will be done to ensure teachers are promoted fairly.