TSC Sends Officers To Monitor The Following Teachers. A team of officers from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been dispatched to visit schools and assess the work performance of instructors, among other things.
The officers are made up, according to TSC, of a team formed from the organization’s Quality Assurance and Standard Officers (QASO) and TSC County and Sub County offices who visit schools to assess the caliber of work produced by teachers.
Officers will also observe head teachers in action to verify how well they have implemented the Teacher Induction Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC) program in their educational institutions.
The commission claims that the mentorship and coaching program will enhance teachers’ performance in their line of work.
TIMEC , which is a structured teacher support programme is aimed at embracing preventive measures to ensure management of teachers professional conduct and performance.

The comments came up with the TIMEC programme as a strategy to develop teachers’ professional ethics and practices in schools.
TSC Sends Officers To Monitor The Following Teachers
In addition, this programme builds teachers competences and skills as well as knowledge on laws,the regulations, policies, to procedures, the values and norms, the governing the teaching profession.
The TSC monitoring team is also expected to check on teachers preparedness and class attendance which include on whether teachers are preparing schemes of work and lesson plans.
They will also check on regular marking attendance registers and learners work as well as preparing teaching aids.used in teaching.
In order to evaluate the instructors’ level of instruction, the officers will also conduct in-class observations.
These field services will be crucial to the implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development, according to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia.
Teachers must also get ready for TPAD since these officers will also be monitoring its implementation.
It is now expected of teachers to clean their documents in preparation for the upcoming demanding activity.