TSC Promotions To Come Easily As CPG Rules Nears Abolition. The Teachers Service Commission introduced new guidelines for teacher promotions in 2016. They are referred to as Career Progression Guidelines.
The guidelines indicate that for a teacher to be promoted from one job group to another, they must undergo an interview. In addition, they must have stayed in the previous job group for a period of 3 years.
The CPG guidelines have been so hectic to teachers. Several teachers have stagnated in the same job group for so long. Once this CPG is done away with, teachers will easily enjoy Promotions.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has received a proposal from the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET). The proposal would eliminate post-primary teachers’ salaries, eliminate the grade C5 cadre, and conduct CPG reviews.
Teachers will be able to advance from C4 to senior management positions as a result of this change, per KUPPET.

In addition, KUPPET has requested that TSC grant senior teachers at grade D4 non-administrative roles. This is even in the absence of a promotion to school administrator.
TSC Promotions To Come Easily As CPG Rules Nears Abolition
After their meeting with the TSC in Naivasha, KUPPET spoke to the media and stated that the primary objective of the discussion was to address the teachers’ complaints regarding the recent promotions.
This covered the more than 50,000 teacher promotions that happened between May of last year and the most current March 2024 promotions listings.
After receiving several complaints, TSC granted KUPPET’s request to review the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG).
The current CPG, in accordance with KUPPET, has been the cause of the teacher stagnation.
The meeting decided to create new guidelines for career progression, which will require information gathered from public participation.
It was also mentioned that since 2017, a number of teachers had not received a promotion. This issue was settled during the Naivasha summit, when it was decided to implement new adjustments starting in June 2024.
Misori claims that the recently published rules provide a guarantee of quicker professional advancement by reducing the time required for advancement.