TSC List Of 18 New Hardship Regions For Teachers. Teachers in kenya are formally employed by the Teachers Service Commission. The teachers, once employed are posted to schools across the country. These teachers are tasked with several roles,, where teaching learners being the core one.
Once the teachers are posted to schools,, at the end of every month they get to earn Salaries. However, salaries they earn are not uniform. This is due to a number of factors.
Among the factors that make Teachers earn different salaries is the area of work. Some teachers work in areas that are perceived to be hardship areas. In these areas, security is normally a threat. In addition, access to basic social amenities is a huge menace.
Therefore, the commission introduced hardship allowances to be enjoyed by such Teachers. Those teachers in higher job groups get a Hardship allowance that is higher than those in other job groups.
The commission usually conducts a review and adds some regions with time that deem to be in hardship areas.
In this blog post, we shall highlight some of the regions the commission has added into hardship areas to enjoy Hardship Allowances.

Eighteen new hardship regions have been issued by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), which has now formally acknowledged them.
TSC List Of 18 New Hardship Regions For Teachers
The Commission committed to progressively promoting teachers. They are ones serving in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) and hard to staff areas that hold administrative positions. This is done until they reach grades that are commensurate with their respective positions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed between TSC and the main teachers’ unions.
The following are the official ASAL and Hard to staff areas
- Baringo North; Tiaty East, Tiaty West And Marigat Sub-Counties In Baringo County.
- Garissa County
- Suba And Mbita Sub-Counties In Homa Bay County
- Isiolo County
- Mashuuru, Loitoktok And Kajiado West Sub-Counties In Kajiado County
- Kwale County
- Magarini And Ganze In Kilifi County
- Lamu County
- Mandera County
- Marsabit County
- Mumoni, Mutito And Tseikuru Sub-Counties In Kitui County
- Narok South And Narok North Sub-Counties In Narok County
- Samburu County
- Taita Taveta County
- Tana River County
- Turkana County
- Wajir County
- West Pokot County