TSC Extra Duties And Responsibilities To Primary School D/HT. Deputy Headteacher job groups have been divided into two categories by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), specifically:
- Position C4’s Deputy Headteacher II
- Position C5’s Deputy Headteacher I
Implementing the curriculum and other educational policies, strategies, and programs is one of the many duties assigned to these deputies. The school’s headteacher is the person to whom they report.
In the event that the head teacher is not present, deputy headteachers oversee the school.
When providing employment letters to teachers, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) lays out each teacher’s responsibilities in detail, leaving deputy headteachers in place.
The explicit obligations and tasks of primary deputy headteachers are as follows.
Duties and Responsibilities of Deputy Headteacher I & II
- Guidance and counseling of teachers, learners and non-teaching staff to instill a culture that will promote harmonious coexistence.
- Maintaining discipline of learners, teachers and non-teaching staff for purposes of providing a conducive environment for learning.
- Supervising and implementing the curriculum to ensure its adhered to and teachers are preparing professional documents.
- Coordination of examination administration, Supervisory and analysis of exams before they are released.
- Implementation of scheduled instructional programs.
- Sourcing instructional materials and availing them to the teachers and learners for proper curriculum implementation.
- Supervising teaching and non-teaching staffs while discharging their tuition duties in school.
- In charge of stores where they requisition for materials and equipment while maintaining proper record for purpose of utilization and Accountability if need arises.
TSC Extra Duties And Responsibilities To Primary School D/HT
- Ensure that cleanliness is Maintained in the school compound and all necessary repairs are done.
- They are the secretary during school board meetings where they keep minutes of such meetings.
- Maintaining teachers and learners records e.g Register, staff attendance, learners discipline cases and leave management forms.
- They are charged with appraising teachers and senior teachers.
- Help the school head in creating a conducive atmosphere between the school and stakeholders.

- The ensure that learners and school resources are safe and secure respectively.
- Prepare professional documents by maintaining academic standards of the school to ensure that syllabus coverage is done in good time.
- Teach his/her subject of specialization to the learners to ensure right knowledge and skills is imparted to the learners.
- Evaluate learner performance to ensure that they are well moulded and prepared for the upcoming National Exams.
- They are tasked with designing new ideas and programs in order to improve lesson delivery in various subjects.
- Instill team spirit among teachers to ensure smooth curriculum implementation and delivery.
- They serve as role models to the learners to provide a conducive environment for learners and teachers.
- Intiate curriculum implementation, evaluation and development process to ensure curriculum relevance and ensure its achieved in schools.
- Interpretation of curriculum to teachers for easy teaching and learning.
- Organize Seminars, workshops and symposiums for purposes of idea Sharing to enable teachers further knowledge in their learning areas
- Identification of learners with performance gaps for purposes of organizing remedial lessons for them.
TSC Extra Duties And Responsibilities To Primary School D/HT