TSC Replacement Of Teachers In Acting Capacity. Teachers who are already serving as administrators but were not successful in being promoted will be replaced by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
As a result, educators who are now serving in the capacities of senior masters, headteachers, deputy headteachers, deputy principals, headteachers, and principals but were not promoted will no longer hold these posts.
In September of last year, the Commission had advertised 36,505 promotion slots. A 724-page list of successful instructors’ details has been released by TSC.
Through their county directors, TSC has also begun to provide promotion letters to instructors who demonstrate success.
The Commission appointed several deputies to serve as principals and head teachers at different elementary and secondary schools from January to March of this year.

This occurred during a period when TSC was dealing with a large number of headteacher and principle retirements.
TSC Replacement Of Teachers In Acting Capacity
The TSC also directed the directors of the county and subcounty to make sure that there are no voids in the schools.
In December and January, TSC held interviews for teacher promotions. In December 2023, interviews for elementary school teachers took place.
In January 2024, interviews for post-primary school teachers took place. A little over a hundred and fifty thousand educators had made the short list.
All 36,505 teachers who are successful will receive promotional letters from TSC, and they will then need to turn in five Chapter 6 documents.
Below are the five documents that are mandatory inline with Chapter six of the Kenyan Constitution on ‘Leadership and Integrity’.
- Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) cost 1,050/-
- Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) cost Free
- Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) cost Free
- Clearance from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) cost Free
- A Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) cost 2,200/-
The TSC has made hints that individuals who get promoted to headteacher and deputy roles will be assigned outside of their present sub-counties.
Senior teachers are more likely to work in schools in their current sub-counties that have openings than in other schools.
Those that are promoted through confirmation, however, will work in the schools where they have years of performing experience.
Letters of sorrow will be sent to the teachers who did not make the cut, and these letters will be used as proof that they attended the interviews.
TSC Replacement Of Teachers In Acting Capacity