TSC July 2024 Teachers’ Salary Increment. In order for the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to begin the second part of the wage increase in July 2024, funds for its execution have been budgeted.
The allocation to TSC for the 2024–2025 budget allocations was declared by Kiharu Member of Parliament Ndindi Nyoro, the Chairman of the Budget and allocations Parliamentary Committee.
TSC received a larger funding under the ministry of Education’s allocation.

In addition, The teachers employer was allocated sh 369.94 billion. Part of the funds will be used to implement the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) for teachers.
The commission signed a CBA agreement with Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) and Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET) last year August, 2023.
According to the agreement, teacher compensation increases would be implemented in two stages. The first of which would begin in July of 2023.
The first part of the salary increment was supposed to begin on July 1, 2023, and end on June 30, 2024.
TSC July 2024 Teachers’ Salary Increment
The second and last phase will begin on July 1st, 2024, and extend through June 30th, 2025.
Teachers who were employed as of July 1, 2023, will be given preference. This will be done when the second phase is implemented on July 1, 2024.
During this pay increase, house allowances as well as other TSC teacher revenues will be taken into consideration.