TSC Promotion Of Stagnated Teachers. To address the delays for teachers in one job category who have been stagnant for many years, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced intentions to adopt automatic promotions for all competent instructors.
These teachers have received assurances from TSC that they will be promoted automatically from their present job category to the next job group.
TSC Ranking System for teachers
In order to achieve this, TSC created a new ranking system that now assigns instructors based on their effectiveness and the number of years they have spent in the classroom, which translates to their level of experience.
Since TSC requirements will save instructors time and guarantee their advancement in service, stagnant teachers will gain more from them.
The promotions will also see these teachers’ Salaries and allowances improve to the next level.
TSC Promotion Of Stagnated Teachers
The news come at a time when the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary Collins Oyuu has denounced TSC for assigning teachers roles without compensation to them.

Speaking in Kisumu on Friday, Oyuu passed blame to TSC saying that teachers will not continue acting for more than six months without being paid acting allowances,
Payment Of Acting Allowances To Teachers
He demanded that TSC must pay teachers acting allowances.
He added that any teacher assigned a duty by TSC to act either as a head teacher or deputy head teacher in another school or in his station must be paid acting allowance.
Oyuu warned TSC for its past practice of re-assigning teachers duties in schools to act as heads or deputy head without compensating for their time in service.
The above practice by TSC was in total defiance of the Labour laws where one for instance is assigned duties to act as a head teacher for three years before being absorbed and without getting any allowances.
Oyuu told the employer to consider promoting teachers based on their qualification with or without the having money so long as they are qualified.