TSC To Retire School Heads Early. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has received a new proposal that requests it investigate whether Heads of Institutions (HOIs) of primary and secondary schools ought to retire at a specific time or serve for predetermined terms.
The proposal contends that school administrators ought to have term constraints that are renewable based on their performance since, like chief executive officers of other government institutions, they are in charge of managing public monies.
More than 30,000 heads of schools could be bound by contracts with expiration dates if the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) plan is adopted, even if a specific duration of service has not been mentioned.
If this idea is approved, it will usher in a new era where employees only enter into performance agreements with their employers and remain employed until retirement.
TSC To Retire School Heads Early
As stated in the plan, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will be required to retire principals and head teachers following a set term that is renewable provided the leader continues to perform well.
This comparison originates with the proposal made by former Education Cabinet Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi in 2014, which was sadly abandoned in 2015. The proposal called for school heads to hold office for three terms of five years each.
Educator CS Machogu says the plan should be brought back to name heads as ministry representatives and give the Cabinet secretary in charge of education complete authority to punish anyone misusing public monies that fall under their purview.

A memo outlining the proposed idea for school heads’ term limitations was one of the memoranda that were submitted for review in order to refine the Basic Education Bill 2024.
The aforementioned topics were brought up at this week’s Friday meeting at the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE).