TSC Refuses To Publish Names Of Promoted Teachers. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has denied requests from teacher unions over a list of teachers’ TSC numbers that it claimed to have promoted and posted on its website.
The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) both desire that TSC release the identities of the teachers it promoted.
Knut had formally requested that the rules governing the teacher interviews conducted in December 2023 and January 2024 be made available to the public.
Withheld information of promoted teachers
Knut believes that the employer of the teachers is withholding information on the promoted teachers. The union wants to know why the commission won’t give actual identities to go along with the TSC numbers that are made public for auditing purposes.
The union believes that even deceased teachers might be included on the merit list if the real names of the successful candidates are not listed next to their TSC numbers.
TSC Refuses To Publish Names Of Promoted Teachers
The employer’s refusal or inability to disclose the names of the selected candidates for auditing purposes has sparked outcry.

Suspicion has been aroused by the lists’ inclusion of both quite recent and very old TSC numbers.
There is currently a wealth of data pointing to teachers who were passed over but who seem to have more qualifications than those on the list.
Promotion letters will only be given to people on the list, according to the Commission.
Several counties that received soft copies of the letters have already begun printing and distributing them to the owners.
TSC List Of 36000 Promoted Teachers
TSC posted a 724-page list on its website that only included the TSC numbers of 36,505 individuals who were promoted after conducting interviews in December and January.
In addition to receiving promotional letters, all 36,505 successful teachers will need to turn in five Chapter 6 documents.
The TSC has made hints that individuals who get promoted to headteacher and deputy posts will be assigned outside of their present sub-counties.
Senior teachers are more likely to work in schools in their current sub-counties that have openings than in other schools.
Those that are promoted through confirmation, however, will work in the schools where they have years of performing experience.
TSC Refuses To Publish Names Of Promoted Teachers
Remorse letters, which will verify their attendance at the interview, will be sent to the teachers who were not selected.
After posting job openings in September of last year, TSC held interviews in December and January. A minimum of 105 thousand educators were selected for interviews.
From December 4 to December 15, 2023, elementary school teachers participated in promotion interviews.
Interviews for secondary school teachers and Teacher Training College (TTC) tutors took place between January 3 and January 16, 2024.