TSC Publishes Final Promotions List After Correcting Errors. The TSC portal has finally published the final list of promotions for teachers. This includes those whose names were missing from the list.
The newly issued list of promoted instructors was missing from the portal for a few days. However, TSC has acknowledged the existence of inaccuracies in the list, it is completely available.
Teachers who have not received their letters are therefore urged not to worry as TSC has taken care of the obvious differences.
The TSC will clarify promotion status. In addition, it will address any mistakes found in the list by initiating the issuing of promotion letters.
Teachers who are unable to verify their information in the complete promotion list on the TSC website may wait to get their formal promotion letter. This will serve as official proof of their status.
TSC Publishes Final Promotions List After Correcting Errors
Teachers who attended interviews, however, should wait for SMS alerts. The sms alerts will come from TSC County and Sub-County offices if they haven’t checked for their details.

Teachers can also wait to find out their status and pick up their promotion letters. This is until they receive a formal call from the TSC county or Subcounty headquarters.
The Teachers Service Commission’s County and Regional Directors assure that mistakes and misprints in the list are typical of large-scale activities. Therefore, those who may have overlooked their names shouldn’t worry too much.
After a big number of people showed up for the interview, a few teachers had shown their interest in the process.
TSC said that more than 150,000 instructors turned in for interviews for the first time ever.
The TSC published a 724-page list on its website. This included the details of 36,505 instructors who were deemed successfully promoted following an interview process.
For details on the final promotions list access it at TSC website list to check for your TSC number and other details