TSC Promotion Dates. The most exciting part in the teaching profession is one concerning promotions. The teachers, after serving in a certain job group for some period of time get promotions. The good thing about promotions is that they are accompanied with an increase in salaries and allowances. The higher the job group a teacher is, the higher the salaries and allowances they enjoy.
Recently, the Teachers service commission announced promotional vacancies to be filled by a whooping 36, 505 teachers across the country. This is a move that is meant to give thousands of educators an opportunity to rise in their careers and motivate them for effective delivery of their work.
A total of 149,846 tutors qualified fully for the promotions, demonstrating the extent to which the teachers are dedicated to their work. However, the interviews will take place at different dates for different categories of teachers. Some are set to be promoted to be senior masters, others deputies and some into principals. Some interviews are scheduled to take place in the week of October 24 to 30 .
TSC Promotion Dates
Additionally, Phase one interviews targeting elementary school educators will take place between December 4- 15 of this year, 2023. These interviews will be done under the supervision of the sub county directors to ensure that the most qualified candidates get the promotions. The post primary sector interviews are scheduled to happen between 3rd and 16th of January 2024.

The aforesaid interviews normally take place at the county headquarters and are overseen by the County Director. At the regional level, they are manned by the RDs. The interviews give teachers a chance to display their passion and commitment to this great career.
On top of that, once these educators get the promotions, they normally perform their duties with passion and joy. This is because of new job title, increased salaries and allowances plus other benefits. The interviews builds one’s confidence in their lives .
In conclusion, educationboard.co.ke wishes all the candidates the very best as they prepare for their promotional interviews.