TSC New Requirements To Teach In Secondary School 2024. As the minimal requirements to enter the teaching profession, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) recognizes the registration of teachers who possess a diploma or a degree to teach in secondary schools.
TSC Suggested Requirements for Diploma Teachers Teaching Secondary
The TSC specified the following minimal standards for educators holding a certificate in education:
1. Having Diploma in Education
The specific diploma required is a diploma in education from a recognized Teacher Training Institution.
2.Having minimum Academic Performance
According to TSC , one must have a minimum mean grade of C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
or alternatively
One with an equivalent is also needed.
3. Proper Subject Proficiency
TSC’s minimal grade criterion for teaching topics is at least a C+ in two selected subjects or credit.
TSC New Requirements To Teach In Secondary School 2024
It should be noted that diploma holders who graduated in 2008 or earlier and who received a mean grade of C (plain) in each of their two courses of study are qualified to teach secondary education.
However, those who have trained blind or hearing-impaired people with a mean grade of C in the corresponding subjects in the year mentioned above and below also qualify.
TSC minimum Qualifications for Graduate Teachers
TSC minimum requirements for secondary school teachers with a degree is as follows ;
1 . Achieving Academic Qualifications
According to TSC , those with a mean grade of C+ plus in KCSE along with at least a C+ in each of the two teaching subjects are eligible to apply.
Alternatively TSC accepts teacher trainees with two principal passes and one subsidiary pass at ‘A’ level to qualify to teach in secondary.

3.Category of Educational Degrees
According to TSC , eligibility degree courses under teaching profession include ;
- Bachelor of Education with two teaching subjects
- Bachelor of Science with Education
- Bachelor of Arts with Education
Observe that the emphasis in all of the foregoing is on having competence in two teaching subjects.
It should be noted that in addition to fulfilling these requirements, one must have completed the teaching program at an accredited university and be a registered teacher with a current TSC number.