TSC New Hardship Allowances B5- C5 After Increment. Teachers are paid a special stipend known as a hardship allowance when they are assigned by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to work in locations designated as hardship areas.
These educators receive additional compensation for taking on jobs. in regions deemed difficult for enduring difficult working circumstances.
Struggled accessibility to food,transport communication network,basic social services and amenities,harsh climatic conditions and insecurity issues are among the key factors to be considered before mapping an areas as hardship.

Therefore, in an attempt to offset their living expenses in locations classified as hardship, this payment is provided to the impacted instructors.
TSC New Hardship Allowances B5- C5 After Increment
The main obstacles are typically a shortage of clean water, unexpected flooding, and unfriendly living circumstances marked by frequent attacks.
The Salary and Remuneration Commission (SRC) reviewed the hardship benefit in December 2014 and decided to pay TSC teachers a fixed sum for all comparable work categories and grades.
Afterwards, this commission eliminated it and fixed the hardship allowance’s payment rate as a proportion of base pay.
Teachers in higher job groups typically receive higher compensation than those in lower job groups as a result.
The following are the TSC monthly hardship allowance rates for teachers employed in hardship areas by job group:
1 B5 5 G sh.6,600
2 C1 6 H sh.8,200
3 C2 7 I sh.10,900
4 C3 8 J sh.12,300
5 C4 9 K sh.14,650
6 C5 10 L sh.17,100
7 D1 11 M sh.27,300
8 D2 12 N sh.27,300
9 D3 13 P sh.31,500
10 D4 14 Q sh.31,500
11 D5 15 R sh.38,100