TSC Appointment Requirements For Primary Headteacher & Deputy. A teacher must meet a number of requirements as stated by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in order to be appointed as a primary or deputy headteacher.
In order to be appointed to a primary headteacher T-Scale 10 job in a regular school, an individual must fulfill the following requirements:
- must have worked for at least three (3) years as a Deputy Head Teacher II TSC under Scale 9.
- must receive a satisfactory rating during the process of performance evaluation.
- Must be able to show that they are capable of supervising, mentoring, and supporting other teachers professionally.
- Must meet the requirements stated at Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution; and
- Must also meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.
HEAD TEACHER Appointment requirements for (SNE PRIMARY SCHOOL) T-SCALE 10
Inorder to be appointed to this grade, one must meet these requirements;
- One must have served as Deputy Head Teacher II TSC Scale 9 for a minimum period of three (3) years or so .
- One must have at least a Diploma in Special Needs Education (in the area of specialty indicated)
- One must have satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal process.
- One must have to demonstrate ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support to other teachers
- One must meet the stated requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution
- One must meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.

For one to get appointment to this grade,these are the conditions:
- One must have served as Senior Teacher I T- Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3) years or more
- One must satisfactory the rating in the performance appraisal;
- One must demonstrate the ability to supervise, to mentor and provide professional support to other teachers;
- One must meet key requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution
- One must meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.
TSC Appointment Requirements For Primary Headteacher & Deputy
Inorder for one to get appointment to this grade,her are the requirements;
- One must have served as Senior Teacher I under T- Scale 8 for a minimum period of three (3) years;l
- One must have at least a Diploma in Special Needs Education (underthe area of specialty indicated)
- One must meet the required satisfactory rating in the performance appraisal;
- One must have ability to demonstrated ability to supervise, mentor and provide professional support to other teachers;
- One must meet the requirements of slated in Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.
- Demonstrate the ability to meet any other requirement the Commission may deem necessary.
Before being considered for an appointment, candidates who make it through the interview process will also need to provide copies of legitimate Chapter Six documentation.
TSC Appointment Requirements For Primary Headteacher & Deputy