TSC Teachers Mass Transfers 2024. Given that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has discovered that elementary schools using the new CBC curriculum have an excess of instructors, mass teacher transfers are anticipated to begin.
The Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) was implemented in primary and junior schools, which altered staffing arrangements and decreased the number of classroom lessons taught by each teacher, according to TSC.
According to the commission, there is an excess of 18,194 instructors because there is a noticeable decline in the need for teachers in primary schools.

In order to guarantee a more balanced and lower teacher-pupil ratio in all schools, TSC disclosed intentions to redistribute a number of teachers throughout schools in order to address the junior secondary teacher shortage.
Earlier this year, TSC announced that it will we continue reviewing systems and staffing levels at both primary and post-primary levels for purposes of enhancing teachers equitable distribution in all institutions across the country.
TSC Teachers Mass Transfers 2024
While addressing the media during kcse release in Eldoret, Macharia said that the implementation of the CBC in primary and Junior Schools has shaken up the staffing levels, resulting to the number of classes in the primary school level reduced by two classes that is for Standard 7 and 8.
Macharia further noted that the introduction of an extra class in 2024 Grade 8 at the Junior School resulted in a deficit of 42,117 teachers to this grade.
For that reason, TSC declared a total of 6,000 slots for the primary school teachers who have furthered their studies so as to be promoted and get part of mass transfer to junior schools.
TSC said that the teachers who qualify are those who have successfully completed their degrees in education with at least 8 units in the subject of specialisation.
The teachers are also required to have scored a C+ and above in two teaching subjects and ensure that they submit details before 18th March 2023.