TSC Message To All B5 And C1 Teachers. For deployment consideration, instructors classified as C1 and B5 (primary school P1 teachers) must submit their information to TSC by Monday, March 18, 2024.
In order to advance the current primary school teachers with a secondary choice degree starting in the following term, TSC announced 6,000 deployment slots.
Teachers who meet the requirements will have the opportunity to be assigned to the junior secondary school division that is now run by CBC.
Teachers who are currently engaged by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on permanent and pensionable terms will be the ones assigned to primary schools.
Teachers in this particular category are individuals who have completed their KCSE with at least a C+ and hold a Diploma in Education.
TSC Message To All B5 And C1 Teachers
It is required to have at least a C+ (Plus) in two of the teaching subjects that are currently given in the school curriculum, with a minimum of eight units in each subject.
Deployment is available to employed primary school teachers who have earned a general grade of C (plain) on the KCSE or an equivalent with a diploma in education, as well as who have enrolled in and successfully completed a bachelor’s program in education.

TSC is under pressure to assign more instructors to junior schools in order to meet demand in light of the current increase in the teacher shortage.
According to the most recent figures, primary school teachers in work group C1 constitute the majority of those deployed, followed by those in job group B5.
Starting job group for Deployed Teachers
Every P1 teacher assigned to a junior school who possesses a degree will be assigned to work group C2.They will service here for three years, after which they will automatically transfer to the C3 job cadre.
Nonetheless, P1 instructors under B5 with degrees and diplomas who are deployed will begin at TSC job group C1.These educators will likewise serve for three years after which they will automatically be promoted to job group C2 and begin receiving new compensation.