Deployment Of P1 Teachers To JSS Updates. Regarding the Diploma and Degree certifications that include important subject areas seen to be pertinent in impacting teaching and learning for deployment to JSS, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is unambiguous.
TSC invited primary school classroom teachers who have improved their PTE certificates to Diploma and Degree certificates to apply when they announced the R placement spots to junior secondary schools.
TSC asserted, however, that only primary school instructors holding diplomas and degrees from secondary options would be qualified to be considered for junior secondary school deployment.
Consequently, TSC will automatically lock out teachers who hold other diplomas and degrees in the Ong’ondo area.
Deployment Of P1 Teachers To JSS Updates
Here is a list of degree and diploma courses that are not considered in junior secondary teaching.
1) Diploma in Special Needs Education under
2) Degree in Special Needs Education under (SNE)
3) Diploma in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE program)
4) Degree in Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE program)
5) Diploma in Education (under Primary option)
6) Degree in Education (under Primary option)
7) Diploma in Education (under Secondary option) but without C+ at KCSE or without C+ in teaching subjects.
8) Degree in Education (under Secondary option) without lacking C+ at KCSE or C+ in teaching subjects.
9) Teachers with any other Diploma and Degree certificate that is different Diploma and Degree secondary option
TSC Chair Jamleck Muturi claims that Grades 7, 8, and 9 are taught by elementary school teachers through a process known as “retooling” for the recently deployed teachers.
The goal of assigning instructors to junior high schools is to guarantee that there are enough teachers in every school.
Deployment Of P1 Teachers To JSS Updates
TSC only reallocates primary school teachers who meet the standards to teach junior secondary education.

The curriculum and training areas listed below are available in junior secondary schools for the retooling or training of teachers teaching Grade 7.
These areas are
a.The Languages –which includes English language, Kiswahili languages Foreign and Indigenous Languages and Kenya Sign Language.
b. The Pure Sciences -The areas covered here include integrated Science Biology, Chemistry subject, Physics as well as Health Education.
c. The Applied Sciences –This covers Agriculture, subject Home science and computer studies
iv. Mathematics learning area.
v. The Humanities area – The areas under this faculty include Social Studies (Citizenship, Geography, History)
Others also include Religious Studies, (CRE, IRE, Hindu, HRE and PPI) and live skills.
v. The Technical subjects and Creative Arts – thus covers Pre vocational and pre career Business studies, music, sports and physical education learning .
The compensation for effective primary school teachers will be equal to that of existing secondary school instructors.
When teachers with diplomas are sent to JSS, they will begin at job group C1, while instructors with degree certificates will begin at job group C2.