Schedule For Picking TSC Promotion Letters. The procedure of selecting individual letters comes after the release of TSC teacher promotion letters to the counties.
The promoted teachers list was finalized and validated by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), which then posted it on its website.
According to sources, the commission has published a portion of the letters so far, and a source claims that the letters have begun to reach the TSC county offices.
Promotion letters, according to the commission, will only be given to teachers whose TSC numbers match the advertisement number on the official list on the internet.
A seventy-four-page document featuring only the TSC numbers of 36,505 teachers who were interviewed in December and January of this year was made public by the teachers’ employer.
The heads of the institutions or the TSC county offices will notify the successful instructors of the dates for picking up their promotion letters via short message text.
Schedule For Picking TSC Promotion Letters

Those in administrative positions will have to produce the documents indicated in Chapter 6 of the Constitution when choosing their promotion letters.
Teachers who have been serving under acting capacity are likely to be maintained in the same schools or be moved to schools where need arise.
Other teachers who are promoted to non administrative positions are expected to be transfered to schools outside their sub-county but within the same county.
A small benefit of financial stability will be available to promoted teachers thanks to wage increment allocations associated with the new job groups.
For certain educators who have been stuck in the same job category for a number of years, the promotion prospects will offer a way forward.
Given their efforts and commitment to enhancing the nation’s educational system and preparing their students for a globalized society, the promotions of the teachers also operate as a motivating factor.