New TSC Teacher Transition Determinant From C2-C3. For TSC primary school teachers, the Grade C2 teaching post is a step up and an opportunity to transition into administrative positions prior to moving on to Grade C3.
At the moment, primary school teachers are not automatically promoted to Grade C2.
To be eligible for promotion, teachers must go through a competitive selection procedure based on open vacancies.
Standards of Eligibility for Grade C2 Appointments
Primary teachers must have at least three years of experience in the Primary Teacher I role under T-Scale 6 in order to be eligible for a Grade C2 appointment.
Senior Teacher II in Grade C2 can advance to Senior Teacher I in Grade C3 by participating in promotion interviews.
Diploma Teachers in Secondary Schools
Following three years of devoted work in Grade C1, secondary school teachers with a diploma are qualified to transfer to Grade C2.

New TSC Teacher Transition Determinant From C2-C3
Secondary school diploma instructors at Grade C1 are immediately promoted to Grade C2 within the same subject area. This is unlike elementary school, where interviews are required.
Grade C2 to C3 Transition for Diploma Teachers
Secondary school diploma instructors are not automatically promoted to Grade C3; instead, they must go through a promotional interview process.
Graduate teachers in secondary schools begin their careers in grade C2. Following three years of service following hire, they are immediately promoted to Grade C3.
Promotion from Grade C2 to C3 for Degree Teachers
After three years of service, graduate teachers with degrees in secondary schools are promoted immediately to Grade C3, with no further interviews or exams.
It is important to remember that moving up from Grade C2 to C3 in the TSC requires a variety of things. They include commitment and prior teaching experience, whether in elementary or secondary school.
Additionally, instructors’ monthly pay and benefits are likely to improve in line with their grade progression.