New TSC Salary Scales For P1 Promoted Teachers. The primary school educators, also referred to as P1 teachers, who were promoted in the most recent TSC round.
Their grades, as well as their monthly allowances and compensation, will shortly improve as a result.
Primary educators are prepared to instruct students in grades one through six, who are often between the ages of six and eleven.
These educators receive their monthly pay in line with their specific job groups and as processed by the TSC.
The new grading system used by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has produced some excellent results, one of which is higher graduate teacher wages.
Old gone days, these teachers were categorized by TSC under job groups G, J, K, L, M, N, and P ,but the new system involved regrouping of teachers.
New TSC Salary Scales For P1 Promoted Teachers
1. TSC Job group P currently Grade D1
These job group includes primary school headteachers in both day and boarding schools nationwide.
These school heads get new salary range of Ksh. 77,840 to Ksh. 93,408 per month
2. TSC Job group N currently Grade C5
This is a cadre for the Primary headteachers from schools that have fewer students currently serving at grade C5 .
This also includes the deputy headteachers at this job group whose monthly earning between Ksh. 62,272 and Ksh. 77,840.

3.TSC Job group M currently Grade C4:
It is a position for deputy headteachers in day schools whose monthly salary ranges from Ksh. 52,308 to Ksh. 65,385 per month.
4. TSC Job group L currently Grade C3
The Teachers serving in job group L, are also known as senior teacher I,whose monthly earning is between Ksh. 43,154 and Ksh. 55,945 per month.
5.TSC Job group K currently Grade C2
This job group, which primarily focuses on special needs education, is for senior primary teachers who were promoted to this grade.
Their monthly income ranges from Ksh. 34,955 to Ksh. 43,694.6. Currently, TSC Job group J is Grade C1.
The wage raise for these typical classroom teachers, which ranges from Ksh. 27,195 to Ksh. 33,994, is expected to occur.
7.TSC Job group G currently Grade B5:
The TSC Job group, which was formerly reserved for P1 teachers at the entry level, has had all of its teachers instantly promoted to the B5 grade.
The new TSC salaries for P1 teachers fall between Ksh. 21,756 and Ksh. 27,195 per month.
New TSC Salary Scales For P1 Promoted Teachers