New TSC CBA Backdated Salary Increment Rates. After the sh 54 billion Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) 2017 to 2021 was signed, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) instituted a new grading system for primary and secondary school teachers.
This new system also comes with new compensation increment rates for instructors. The three teachers unions and the commission came to an agreement.
Following the aforementioned announcement, TSC implemented the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG), a new grading scheme designed to help instructors advance to different grade levels.
Latest TSC PROMOTION OF TEACHERS GRADE C1 TO C2 and salary adjustment under new CBA.
The teachers primary schools who have spent three years in Grade B5 get automatic move to Grade C1.
These teachers in Grade C1 are also known as Primary Teacher I who ar also in T-Scale 6.
Note that even with this , TSC Promotion of primary school teachers in Grade C1 to C2 is not automatic.
New TSC CBA Backdated Salary Increment Rates
Under primary school, Grade C2 belongs to Senior Teachers and the post is called Senior Teacher I position.
Since Grade C2 is a promotional grade for primary school teachers, it equally serves as an entry grade into the administrative cadre.
Teacher new entry into this grade is competitive and subject to availability of vacancies.
Here is the basic salary and allowances for teachers in the various job groups.