KNEC Extends Deadline For Uploading Assessment Scores.
KNEC Extends Deadline For Uploading Assessment Scores. The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has officially extended the deadline for uploading of assessment marks in it’s portal. Initially, the uploading deadline was capped at 26th of October 2023. However, by then , quite a good number of schools had not uploaded their marks online. The major reason for schools to delay in uploading the marks was due to issues encountered with the online platform.
Grade 3,4,5 and 7 did their project and practical’s earlier in July. This assessment was oral and theory one, to be summed up with the earlier projects they had already undertaken. All the assessment tools and rules for evaluating learners are accessed on the KNEC online portal.
KNEC Extends Deadline For Uploading Assessment Scores
Grade 3 learners were taking part in Integrated learning areas(ILA) . Grade 4 and 5 worked on projects and theory in seven learning areas. The grade 7 who are in junior secondary were evaluated in a total of 9 learning areas. The areas are as follows; Performing Arts, Visual Arts, English Language, Home Science, Integrated Science, Health Education, Physical Education and Sports, Islamic Religious Education and Hindu Religious Education.

Additionally, the grade 3, 4 ,5 and 7 undertook written tests covering a large number of learning areas. The grade 6 learners were exempted from this assessment in order to get ample time to prepare for the upcoming KPSEA assessment. KPSEA and KCPE are set to run concurrently from October 30th till November 1st.
Below are the written tests on all learning areas in grade 3, 4, 5 and 7 that were posted on the KNEC portal for assessment.
Grade 3 lessons with quizzes
1. Mathematical activities
2. English size.
4th grade lesson with quiz
1. Mathematics
2. English
3. Kiswahili
4. Agriculture
5. Community studies
6. Home Science
7. Arts and Crafts
8. CRE/IRE/HRE (Religious Education)
9. Science and Technology
10. Kenyan Sign Language
Grade 5 lessons with quizes
1. Mathematics
2. English
3. Kiswahili
4. Agriculture
5. Community studies
6. Home Science
7. Arts and Crafts
8. CRE/IRE/HRE (Religious Education)
9. Science and Technology
10. Kenyan Sign Language
7th grade lessons with quizzes (primary and additional):
1. Mathematics
2. English
3. Kiswahili
4. Agriculture
5. Community studies
6. Visual arts
7. Art
8. CRE/IRE/HRE (Religious Education)
9. Kenyan Sign Language
10. Integrated science
11. Computer studies
12. Business studies
13. Life skills
14. Technical and pre-career education
The extension period by KNEC is a move meant to ensure all the schools upload all the required marks in time.