JSS Relocation To Nearby Day Schools. Our country Kenya is in the process of transitioning from the old 8.4.4 system to the new competency based curriculum. This is a curriculum that was adopted 7 years ago and is slowly taking shape. The first cohort of the CBC curriculum joined grade 7 this year. They are anticipated to transition to grade 8 next year 2024.
However, the competency based curriculum, being a new curriculum has faced quite a myriad of challenges. The pioneer class has had it’s own share of challenges. The challenges range from insufficient human resource to lack of basic amenities like laboratories. In that regard, there have been proposals from quite a number of stakeholders with a view of improving the current situation.
Recently, there was news on junior schools being relocated to nearby day secondary schools. The aforementioned news has been received with a heartwarming reception. This is due to the fact that the current condition and situation of junior schools across the nation is devastating. As a result, an immediate remedy is required before things go south.

The current grade 7 learners are in line to join grade 8 come next year, a mere two months from now. The biggest challenge on the ground is lack of infrastructure . To be precise, these schools lack rooms that can be used for the science practical lessons. Science as a learning area has several practical lessons that need to be undertaken. As a result, proper learning is not going to be achieved due to lack of laboratories.
Challenges facing junior schools
Additionally, another big challenge that is in the junior schools is inadequate teaching staff. With 100 percent transition, it means grade 7 learners are going to join grade 8 come next year. That will translate to two classes in junior school. There are 40,000 teachers currently under the internship program but still yet they are not enough. The government has to employ more teachers to address the shortage.
An interview conducted from random Junior school teachers indicate that most of them are demotivated. This is because the mere stipend of 20,000 shillings has been heavily taxed leaving them with a mere 17,000 shillings. Additionally, the environment in junior schools is not that conducive for these teachers hence demoralizing them.
In conclusion, It will be a noble idea if the government moves these junior schools to nearby day secondary schools. This move will be of great benefit, both to the government and to the learners. The day schools have enough infrastructure together with the labs that will be used for practical sessions. This move will help the government save a lot of money , that can be used in employing new teachers and adding infrastructure in schools.
JSS Relocation To Nearby Day Schools