Deployment Of P1 Teachers To JSS Takes A Different Twist. 6,000 deployment spaces are available for primary school teachers with a secondary education degree, according to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). Those that are interested may apply by March 18, 2024.
TSC plans to promote the PTE teachers to the junior secondary school division early in the forthcoming term.
The Commission has asked teachers who fit the criteria to submit an application for the deployment by March 18th.

To be assigned to JSS, primary school teachers must hold a certification that allows them to instruct in secondary schools.
The teacher MUST meet the following requirements:
i) Have an active registration as a teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.
ii) Is employed as a primary school teacher with the Teachers Service Commission
iii) Should not be currently serving an interdiction or undergoing a disciplinary process.
iv) Have a minimum of a Diploma in Education with a minimum of C+ at KCSE (or it’s equivalent) with C+ in two teaching subjects currently being offered in the school curriculum (either under 8-4-4 or CBC) or two (2) principles and one (1) subsidiary pass at “A” Level.
At least 8 units in each of the two teaching subjects.

Deployment Of P1 Teachers To JSS Takes A Different Twist
Those with a minimum of C (plain) at KCSE (or its equivalent) and have undertaken a Diploma in Education together with a Bachelor Degree in Education qualify.
v) The degree certificate must be Bachelor of Education. Bachelor of Education (Primary Option) holders are not eligible.
Candidates are expected to present the following documents during verification exercise:
i) Original and copy of the degree/diploma certificate;
ii) Original and copies of the academic transcripts;
iii) Original and copy of SNE qualification (where applicable);
iv) Original and copy of the KCSE certificate (or its equivalent);
v) A copy of the current payslip;
vi) A declaration by the Head of Institution that the teacher is currently serving in the school and is neither serving an interdiction nor undergoing a disciplinary process.
Based on the above requirements,, most P1 trained Teachers will be locked out of the deployment exercise. This has left them in shock as the commission is still adamant on changing the requirements that will favor most of them.