Category Of TSC Teachers To Benefit More From July Salary Hike. The phase 2 CBA compensation raise and allowances review will begin in July 2024. It is expected to greatly benefit Teachers Service Commission (TSC) employees who work in rural areas.
Teachers in the new region grouping benefited from increased housing allowances. In addition, they got a basic wage increase ranging from 2.4% to 9.5% during the first phase 1 implementation. It began in July 2023.
Beginning with the July 2023 salary increase, teachers with the lowest incomes benefited the most. They received a 9.5% salary increase. Additionally, instructors at the top of the scale received a 2.4% salary increase.
Category Of TSC Teachers To Benefit More From July Salary Hike
Following the pay increase, primary school entry-level teachers were paid in the range of SH-24,593 to SH-28, 491 monthly.
Additionally, the primary, secondary, and lecturing C1 teachers now receive pay increases ranging from sh. 28,491 to sh. 35,614.
Teachers and special needs teachers who are in in grade C2 are paid between sh. 36,621 and sh. 45,776 per month.
Nonetheless , teachers who teach and are in Grade C3 receive between Sh. 44,412 and Sh. 56,514,
The monthly salary range for teachers in employment grade C5 is sh.62,272 to sh.78,667.
Additionally, the salaries of the D1 instructors, Senior Masters employees, Head Teachers, Deputy Principals, and Senior Lecturers range from Ksh. 77,840 to Ksh. 95,101.
Last but not least, teachers in job grade D2, who are senior master 1 and deputy principals 2, are paid a minimum of Ksh. 91,000 and a maximum of Ksh. 110,000.
The highest paid TSC teacher appointees, ranking second and ranking as Senior Principals with job grade D4, will receive Ksh. 118,000 and Ksh. 143,000, respectively.
At the top of the TSC pay pyramid, under grade D5, school chief principals receive basic salary ranging from Sh. 131,000 to Sh. 159,000 per month.
In addition to receiving increased house allowances, teachers are now receiving new base pay for their profession.
It should be noted that all other allowances, excluding housing allowances, have not changed.
Teachers providing their services in schools under rural regions would be among those who will be smiling all the way to the bank at the TSC phase 2 salary increment hike, which is anticipated in July 2024.