2024 Promoted Teachers Receive Good News From TSC. Teachers who have been promoted to senior teachers, school deputies, acting head teachers, and principals are relieved because they have been waiting for their promotion letters from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
The commission has ordered that the remaining instructors will begin receiving their promotion letters next week. This is because others have already received theirs.
Come next week, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Sub County Directors will award those teachers who were promoted. They were promoted to Senior Teachers and Deputy Headteacher positions.

The promotion letters for principals and head teachers will also be made available by the TSC County Directors’ offices.
The TSC chairman had earlier stated that all promotion-related details had been finalized at commission headquarters and that the information had been sent to county and subcounty offices for printing and letter delivery to successful teachers.
Several senior teachers were promoted by TSC to positions as deputy headteachers or principals after they successfully attended interviews in their respective counties.
2024 Promoted Teachers Receive Good News From TSC
Interviews were held in December 2023 by TSC, following an October 2023 advertisement requesting all eligible candidates to express interest.
Since all promoted instructors will be taking on new responsibilities, their pay will be evaluated and increased.