2024 Kenyan Schools Calendar. The Ministry of Education’s (MoE) calendar indicates that schools will be closed for halfterm starting on Thursday, February 29, 2024.
Students in all grade levels—pre-primary, primary, junior, and secondary—will be given a three-day break that will conclude on March 3, 2024.
However, due to anticipated traffic on Thursday when schools officially end, some schools have informed parents that students will be released one day early on Wednesday, the 28th.

Term 1 is a slated for 13-weeks and a halfterm for 3 days between 29th February and 3rd March, 2024.
Thereafter resuming from halfterm, learners will spend barely one month in school before they break April holiday starting on 8th April to 26th April, 2024.
2024 Kenyan Schools Calendar
Term two will run for 14 weeks, starting on 29th April to 2nd August, 2024 with the half term set for 20th – 23rd August, 2024.
Term 3 will be the shortest with only 9 weeks slated to commence on 26th August to 25th October2024.
December Holiday Break
Thereafter learners will have a break for December holidays and resume on 3rd January next Year 2025.
In the month of November this year, all Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Education Assessment (KILEA) examinations will begin on 28th of October to 31st October, 2024.
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations start on 4th November and end on 22nd November, 2024.