P1 Teachers Deployment To JSS. Beginning in January 2025, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) intends to send deployment letters to junior school JSS for the third group of qualified PTE (P1 instructors).
According to TSC, when Sub-County Directors have thoroughly reviewed the documentation, 6000 instructors will receive posting letters to schools.
Additionally, TSC headquarters will have time to review the documents to make sure that only certified teachers with legitimate documents are submitted.
TSC voiced grave concerns about junior secondary schools’ struggles with a teacher shortage in January of this year.
According to Dr. Nancy Macharia, the Chief Executive Officer of TSC, schools need nearly 99,045 teachers, compared to the 56,928 that are already employed.
As part of the remedy in addressing the shortage,the employer advertised a total of 6,000 deployment slots meant for serving primary school teachers who are degree holders to move to secondary option.
P1 Teachers Deployment To JSS
As per to the call for applications , qualified applicants were required to submit applications to TSC sub county offices.
All the successful teachers as per to the commission will start getting their posting letters inorder to begin serving in junior secondary school section early term one, 2025.
The primary School teachers who had submitted applicatioms to be deployed to JSS are those who are qualified to teach in secondary schools .
These teachers will get their deployment letters earlier as the new term begins .
All those who will be deployed, the commission indicated that for their payments to be hastened , all Sub County Directors in collaboration with Primary Headteachers are expected to make a releasing and receiving of the teachers immediately .
TSC further asked all the County Directors to initiate Posting letters .
Also the Entry or Exit Reports Module to the Sub-County must be facilitated immediately.
Posting letters or deployment of P1 teachers to junior secondary JSS will then be done with TSC Sub-County Director.
The exercise of teacher entry and exit for the deployed teachers as per to the commission must be conducted online.
This is because TSC no longer recognizes hard copy casualties.