TSC Teachers’ New Salary Under The Revised CBA. The 2023–2025 teacher employer, TSC, pay scale was a component of the preceding 2021–2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) and was governed by the applicable CBA.
Principals are recognized as having a leadership role in the educational system based on the employment scale (T-Scale 15), according to TSC’s most recent compensation analysis.
As of last month, CBA reports that their salary adjustment ranged from Sh131,380 to Sh157,656 each month.
Teachers who currently hold the position of senior principal (T scale 14) in secondary schools are also crucial.
These teachers get monthly wages ranging from 118,242 to 121,890 shillings.
TSC Teachers’ New Salary Under The Revised CBA
Additionally, directors currently holding a degree of responsibility (scale T 13) are paid a monthly compensation of Sh104,644.
Deputy Directors III have been nominated by TSC; they currently get a fixed remuneration of Sh91,041 per month and are also assigned certain tasks.

In addition to having leadership responsibilities, appointed school principals, TSC Senior Master II, and Deputy Principal IV (T-Scale 11) are paid a base pay of Sh77,840 per month.
The basic monthly wage for Primary School Principals, Primary School Deputy Principals I, and Senior Masters III (Scale 10), who have distinct responsibilities, is now Sh62,272.
The school’s (class C4) TSC-appointed Deputy Principal II, who also performs a specified function and receives a monthly remuneration ranging from Sh45,287 to Sh52,308.
Furthermore, the current monthly compensation range for TSC secondary school teachers I and senior teachers I (class C3) is 43,147 Shillings to 53, 094 Shillings.
TSC appoints Senior Teacher II, Secondary School Teacher II and Untrained Secondary Teacher II (UT) (Grade C2) with responsibility and a monthly salary of Sh34, 955.
For those employed by Primary I and Secondary III Teachers (class C1) in a variety of roles, earn salaries ranging from 27,195 shillings to 33,994 shillings per month.
Finally, Primary II teachers (grade B5), who perform distinct functions, have a pay scale of Sh21,756 to Sh27,195 per month.
The teaching positions mentioned above represent specific salaries for each teacher training position.