TSC Promotion Results Set To Be Audited Thoroughly. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) received a formal request from the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) to investigate the promotion results for auditing purposes after the teachers’ repeated protests.
KNUT states that the commission ought to release all of the interview rules for the instructors who were interviewed in December 2023 and January 2024.
The KNUT request coincides with a number of teachers who have been persistently requesting interpretations of the same to help them grasp expectations.
TSC list of successful teacher candidates for Promotions was initially released through advert Number 31/2023 – 40/2023,a promotion list that teachers terms strange to thus teachers asking TSC to give clear communication on the right results.
Following this outrage, the panel went on to release another list, labeling the original one as fraudulent and untrue.
Teachers noticed a correlation between a list that appeared in the TSC legitimate advertisement (46/2023 to 61/2023) and some of the TSC numbers that appeared in the advertisement 31/2023-40/2023.
The panel also swiftly condemned bloggers for publishing phony findings.
The KNUT teachers’ union believes that the promoted instructors’ employers are withholding certain information.
Therefore, KNUT is wondering why the commission won’t give genuine names to go along with the instructors’ TSC numbers that are publicized for auditing purposes.
According to KNUT, there is a good possibility that even deceased teachers’ identities will be included in the merit list if the true names of the selected candidates are not disclosed alongside their TSC numbers.
TSC Promotion Results Set To Be Audited Thoroughly
Teachers’ concerns and grievances were voiced by KNUT regarding the TSC’s reluctance to release the names of the selected candidates for auditing purposes.
Instructors have also reported that some very recent TSC numbers and some very old TSC numbers were displayed on the lists, raising severe concerns.
The TSC Promotions results lists of successful candidates and promotion grades should also be seen by instructors, as this is the only method to ensure that all grades were fair following an audit.