TSC Number Registration Guidelines. In Kenya, an educator who has received a certificate of registration and registration from the Teacher Service Commission is considered qualified. Before being given a job in a Kenyan school, whether private or public, a trained teacher must register with the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC) Act of 2012. Online applications are used for TSC Numbers only.
Minimum prerequisites for TSC Teacher Education
- Certificate: C Plain in KCSE
- Diploma: C+ (plus) at KCSE
- Degree: C+ (plus) at KCSE
In order to teach secondary school, educators must make sure they have at least a C + (plus) in each of their two chosen disciplines.
List Of Scanned copies of necessary paperwork needed.
~All academic certificates plus transcripts ( primary, secondary, university or college)
~Your photo (passport size)
~Banking slip of a non-refundable registration fee (Ksh. 1,055 and Ksh. 2,055 for Duplicate certificate) to be deposited in the TSC Registration Accounts National Bank of Kenya (for Direct Banking, account number is 01001000905001, or for mobile money use the PayBill Business Number 625625.
Payment is mandatory for successful submission and processing.
It is important for applicants to understand that they can only scan and upload original documents. Attach a letter of clearance from the Ministry of Education Vetting Committee if you are an expatriate teacher.
TSC Number Registration Guidelines

How to sign up and submit an online TSC Certificate application
- Visit the TSC official website
- Enter your ID or passport and surname and click NEXT
- Fill in the required details in the form that loads (KRA Pin, Email, Phone number e.t.c are required)
- Follow the prompts until the end.
It is a serious offence to deliberately give false information to the Teachers Service Commission. The law provides that any person convicted of the offence may be fined up to Ksh. 100,000 or imprisoned for Twelve (12) months or both (Section 44 of TSC Act No. 20 of 2012).
How to check TSC Number Registration Status
It will take less than a month after you complete the online application process for a TSC number to be assigned to you. Using your National ID number, go on Teacher Registration Status on the TSC website to verify if you have been successfully assigned a TSC number.
The physical copy of the TSC Certificate will be mailed by the commission to the mailing address you give when registering. Get in touch with the commission to obtain more information if, after a month, you still haven’t received your certificate.
TSC Number Registration Guidelines