TSC CBC New Registration Requirements For Teachers. By virtue of the Teachers Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2024, TSC has established new requirements for teacher registration under the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).
According to the new regulations, all interested candidates must provide proof of their eligibility for registration.
These requirements cover teachers of a single topic, EDCE teachers who have completed Montessori training, people with credentials from foreign universities, and people who receive special education services.
Entry-Level Requirement for CBC Teacher Registration
According to the most recent regulations, a person with a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) must hold a C plain in the Kenya diploma of Secondary Education (KCSE) in addition to their DECTE diploma.
However, candidates with disabilities required to have earned a C- (minus). It is necessary to submit the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) together with the KCSE results of C- in English, D- in Mathematics, and C- in Physics.
Candidates with disabilities must have a C- on the KCSE. At the time of registration, candidates who hold a Diploma in Secondary Teacher Education (DSTE) must additionally produce their certificate.
TSC CBC New Registration Requirements For Teachers
Additionally, they must have earned a C in two teaching topics, a C+ in the KCSE, and C in mathematics, English, and Kiswahili/Kenya sign language
Candidates with disabilities must have received a C-in English, Kiswahili/Kenya Sign Language, and Mathematics, a C in the KCSE, and a C in two teaching disciplines.
Candidates seeking a diploma in Technical Teacher Education (DTTE) must, however, have completed two related STEM technical teaching subjects with a C+, have a diploma in General Technical subjects given at the junior and senior school levels, and have a C in KCSE.
Conversely, those who have pursued a Bachelor of Arts with Education or a Bachelor of Education will require the aforementioned degree, along with a C+ in KCSE and a C+ in each of the two teaching subjects—English and mathematics—as well as a D+.
Candidates pursuing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree must also possess a postgraduate diploma in education, a C+ in two teaching topics, and a C+ in the KCSE.
Lastly, candidates holding a diploma in adult and continuing education will require the KCSE certificate with a plain C or higher, or a C- for students with exceptional needs.
Teachers’ Registrations for Just One Subject
Applicants who hold a Bachelor of Education degree and have received a C or higher in the teaching subject, a C in the KCSE, a D+ in mathematics, and a C in English are qualified for this category.
Bachelor’s degree holders in the arts or sciences are required to possess a postgraduate diploma in education, a C+ in the subject matter they teach, and a C+ on the KCSE.
On the other hand, those with a diploma in education must have a C in C+ in teaching topics or a diploma in a junior- and senior-level subject.
TSC CBC New Registration Requirements For Teachers