TSC July 2024 phase 2 Salary Payrise Rolled out(B5-D5). After the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) formally promised teachers that the 2024 July phase 2 salary increment will be included in the final 2024/2025 CBA agreement, teachers are eagerly anticipating it.
The pay increase in July 2024 comes after a much-awaited pledge. This will see packages provided to thousands of teachers, relieving them during this difficult financial period.
The government’s effort to guarantee educators’ well-being and recognize their vital contributions to society includes raising teachers’ salaries.
The recent agreement on compensation changes is the consequence of several factors, including high cost of living indices, rates of inflation, and overall economic conditions.
But according to Dr. Nancy Macharia, the head of the TSC, the reason for the increase in teacher salaries is because their perk packages are appropriate and have historically been competitive.
TSC July 2024 phase 2 Salary Payrise Rolled out(B5-D5)
TSC also hopes to raise the standard of instruction across the nation by providing this increased compensation.

By providing a more equitable and long-lasting compensation structure, it also helps to retain and attract skilled workers to the education sector.
It is projected that the teacher salary increase mentioned above will begin in July 2024.