TSC Finally Clarifies Why Eligible Teachers Were Not Promoted. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has stated that not all of the teachers who appeared before the commission for promotions interviews were promoted due to a lack of funding.
More than 150, 000 Teachers expressed interest in being considered for advancements after TSC posted job openings.
The commission said that it just addressed the voids left by instructors’ natural attrition.
In its self-defense, TSC has stated that, contrary to their proposal for a 2.2 billion allocation from the government, they only received 1 billion for promotions this year.
Following protests from teachers who attended interviews hoping to advance to higher positions, the commission made the decision to be transparent.
In the most recent results, TSC published the TSC number of the successful teachers together with their promotion advertising number, promoting 36,505 teachers in total.
TSC Finally Clarifies Why Eligible Teachers Were Not Promoted
Speaking on Friday, Akello Misori, secretary of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KUPPET), announced that the organization will pressure the national government to increase funding for TSC in order to advance the remaining teachers.
Misori claims that over 130,000 teachers were passed over for promotions; the most of these instructors have been stagnant in their job group for years.
Misori has also stated that TSC teachers are severely impacted by the problem of employment stagnation, with some choosing to leave the field after becoming increasingly irate at their lack of advancements.
Way to go.Thanks