The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to start replacement of junior secondary school (JSS) intern teachers.
The TSC sub county directors will initiate the replacement process using the existing merit lists.
At least 1,645 JSS intern teachers secured permanent and pensionable (pnp) employment in secondary schools when TSC advertised replacement slots.
The intern teachers are part of the 20,000 JSS interns recruited and posted to schools in January this year for a one year internship term.
The teachers successfully secured replacement teaching jobs in secondary schools after 5,862 replacement slots were advertised to replace those who exited service through natural attrition.
The Commission already issued the teachers with appointment letters and have since reported to their stations to start their new roles.
TSC had carried out vetting exercise from 17th to 28th February 2025 which entailed documents verification for shortlisted applicants.
Those picked proceeded with filling of employment forms and were later issued with posting letters.
They however completed the process by registering into Social Health Authority (SHA) by signing into before taking their new roles
In the replacements which was on permanent and pensionable terms TSC declared 5,862 posts for primary schools, 21 posts for junior schools and 2,824 posts for secondary schools.
The interns were awarded 50 marks in the replacement scoresheet regardless of the period served.
TSC has also been allocated funds for financial year 2025 – 2026 to recruit 18,000 JSS intern teachers.
The recruitment of the 18,000 JSS teachers on internship terms is likely to start in November this year.
TSC was also allocated additional funds to recruit 18,000 teachers on permanent and pensionable terms for primary and post primary institutions.
TSC is facing serious teacher shortage and currently requires a total of 72,422 teachers to address the staffing crisis in JSS.
TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia said the Commission requires a total of 149,350 teachers to handle Grade 7, 8 and 9.
Macharia said currently TSC has employed 76,928 teachers in junior secondary representing 51.5% of the requirement.
These are the 20,000 JSS interns. 39,550 JSS teachers who were first recruited on internship terms but have since been confirmed.
8,378 P1 teachers who were deployed to JSS in 2023 and 2024 and 9,000 JSS teachers recruited on permanent and pensionable terms.
Macharia said TSC has so far retooled a total of 229,292 teachers on CBC and CBA since April 2019.
She said a total of 60,642 JSS teachers have been retooled from May 2023 to November 2024.
TSC plans to deploy 6,000 PTE teachers to JSS in April to help address the teacher shortage
The Teacher Internship Programme is a one year programme meant to equip and sustain competencies of persons entering the teaching service.
The programme targets unemployed registered teachers to be assigned to learning institutions where their teaching experience will be enhanced through mentorship, coaching and exposure to practical teaching experience.
The internship period will be for twelve months though majority of the recent intern teachers have served for two years.
Monthly Stipend For Intern Teachers
Teacher internship is not a remunerative engagement. However, interns attached to Junior Secondary schools will be eligible for a monthly stipend of Kshs. 20,000/=.
The stipend will be paid subject to statutory deductions like NHIF, Housing levy, and NSSF where applicable.
On successful completion of the Internship Programme, teacher interns will be awarded a certificate.
To be eligible to serve as intern in primary school one must be a holder of a PTE or DPTE certificate and is registered with TSC.
Those in junior school must have at least a Diploma and C+ in KCSE with C+ in two teaching subjects. They must also be registered with TSC.
During verification/ interviews, applicants shall be required to produce the following: –
i) A copy of Teacher Registration Certificate/print-out from TSC online portal as evidence of registration as a teacher;
ii) A copy of National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) card (where applicable);
iii) A copy of the National Identity Card (ID) or Passport;
iv) Two (2) colour passport size photographs;
v) A copy of National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) card;
vi) A copy of Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number (KRA PIN).
Interns attached to primary schools will earn a monthly stipend of sh 15,000 while those in junior school will get sh 20,000.
On successful completion of the Internship Programme, teacher interns will be awarded an internship certificate.