TSC To Promote Headteachers Under JSS To Grade D1. Headteachers of primary schools that will be hosting junior secondary schools beginning in the upcoming school year will be promoted, according to a plan unveiled by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
The Commission’s proposal also calls for hiring 400,000 instructors to staff the primary and junior school divisions, which will be referred to as comprehensive schools.
Under the new setup, which will see the schools governed by two deputies, TSC will also advance the current deputy headteachers in those schools to become deputy principals.
The deputies and principals must be graduates with a bachelor’s degree in any field related to education.
However, in order for the present headteachers and deputies to advance to the position of principle and Deputy Principal , they will need to have at least a diploma.
The headteachers and deputies will handle lessons in junior school which is grappling with shortage of teachers.
The headteachers will be moved from their current job groups to the next. Those in job group C5 will be promoted to job group D1 while the senior headteachers in job group D1 will be moved to job group D2.
TSC To Promote Headteachers Under JSS To Grade D1
Their promotion will be progressive till they attain job group D5 just like the principals of secondary schools and teacher training colleges (TTC’s).
TSC already requested additional data, through an excel template, for the headteachers and their deputies for commencement of the exercise.
The principal will be a signatory to all school bank accounts from pre-primary, primary and junior school (comprehensive school).
This financial year the Commission is planning to promote 12,000 teachers in the 2024 – 2025 financial year where 9,000 posts will go to primary and junior and 3,000 posts to secondary schools.
Dr. Nancy Macharia, CEO of TSC, said last month that 36,504 teachers received promotions in total throughout the 2023–2024 fiscal year.
She claimed that as a result, there have been 71,212 teacher promotions in the previous five years.
According to Macharia, the government has set aside sh 1 billion for the 2024–2025 fiscal year in order to promote more teachers.
As of right now, TSC employs over 223,296 teachers in elementary schools, with ambitions to grow to 120,923 instructors in junior secondary education.
There are about 347,000 teachers working in elementary and secondary education.