Ahead of the start of classes in January, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) reorganized the leadership of about 19 secondary schools in Kakamega County.
The heads of other schools, both inside and outside the county, have taken the place of the affected ones.
James Masinde Gilbert is replaced at Silungai Secondary in Kakamega North by Jotham Abel, the former head of Hilario Wekhonye Secondary.
Lugonzo Antony will be replaced at Solyo Secondary in Kakamega East by George Onyango. At Bungoma’s Ndakaru Secondary, Onyango has served as the principal.
Lumiti Joyce is the new Principal at Lirhembe Girls taking over from Auma Otieno.
Rachel Wandabwa takes reins at St Teresa Isanjiro Girls in Kakamega North. Wandabwa replaces Saliku Mary.
More TSC Transfers
Other incoming Principals include Otweya Josephine (Shinamwenyuli Secondary), Were Patrick (Francis Shibayo Secondary), Masinde Wyclife (Shangungu Secondary), St Augustine Milimani (Wilfridah Kahigi), Shikoli Boniface (Shikoho Secondary), Elavuna Caleb (Friends School Musaga Secondary), Wabuli Mark (Epanja Secondary), Eluche Secondary (Our Lady of Victories), Cheotek Seven (Ayub Savula Secondary), Mutibo Bernard (St Annes Nanyeni), Kidiga Julius Ogonda (Eshikhondi Mixed), Otiende Rose Mugaya (St Francis Xaviour Shipalo Secondary, Nyangweso Japhary (St Makokhwe Secondary), Were Patrick (Francis Shiyabo Secondary), Wilfred Kahigi (St Augustine Milimani) and Boniface Shikoli transferred to Shikokho Secondary among others.
In a letter signed by TSC County Director Wilson Koros dated December 24, 2024, Commission’s Sub County Directors should ensure that handing over takes place before the schools reopen.
Ensure that all Principals receive their transfer letters and taking over process is smooth,” the letter reads in part.