TSC Teachers’ New Salary Under The Revised CBA. The 2023–2025 teacher employer, TSC, pay scale was a component of the…
Author: Education Board
All TSC Teachers To Apply For Teaching Licenses. Teachers will now lose their jobs if they refuse to participate in…
TSC New Promotion Plan For Teachers. The TSC Promotion Plan directs the Teachers Service Commission’s (TSC) promotions, which typically cause…
How To Get KMTC Admission Letters In 2024. Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) acceptance letters are comprehensive documents that include…
TSC Secondary Teacher I & Senior Teacher I Salary 2024. The Teachers Service Commission is the body responsible for employment…
TSC Automatic Promotions For Teachers Under CPG. With the release of its Automatic Promotions Policy, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)…
List Of P1 Teachers To Be Deployed To JSS. The deadline for applications is March 18, 2024. Teachers Service Commission…
KUCCPS Third University Application. A third chance has been announced by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS)…
TSC’s New Criteria For Promoting C1 To C2. Article 237(1) of the Constitution established the Teachers Service Commission, which is…
TSC Chief Principal (T-Scale 15) Updated Salary 2024. For administrators working in post-primary institutions, the Chief Principal (T-Scale) position represents…